--Pixie! 1.0.0 A pixel locater. • IT'S FREE! •
--Pixie! is released for general use with the proviso that this
--notice remain in place, that modifications be reported to the
--author, and credit for its use be noted in your applications.
--Want accurate coordinates for your art work and buttons?
--Been wondering how to identify locations for your scripts?
--(a) Click to activate the button and click again to note the location.
--(b) To relocate the button, click and drag it to a convenient place.
--(c) If this button resides in your Home stack, the button copies
-- itself to the Clipboard so you can Paste it in another stack.
--Pixies live!
-- Leigh Lundin 15 March 1988
on mouseDown
set hilight of the target to true
if the short name of this stack = "Home"
set lockScreen to true
put the userLevel into origUserLevel
if origUserLevel < 4 then set userLevel to 4
choose "button tool"
click at the loc of the target
doMenu "Copy button"
choose "browse tool"
set userLevel to origUserLevel
set lockScreen to false
else wait 10 ticks -- adjust value for activation lag
if the mouse is down
set cursor to 3
set the name of the target to "Wheee!"
repeat until the mouse is up
set hilight of the target to false
set the loc of the target to the mouseLoc
set hilight of the target to true
set the loc of the target to the mouseLoc
end repeat
set the name of the target to "Pixie!"
set cursor to 2
repeat until the mouseClick
set the name of the target to "Pixie! "&the mouseLoc
end repeat
set the name of the target to "Pixie! "&the mouseLoc -- 1 last time!
end if
set hilight of the target to false
end mouseDown
-- part contents for background part 1
----- text -----
I fooled around with Mark's creation and came up with just the thing. Or so I thought. It performed as advertised but had a few problems. It was hard to get rid of when no longer needed and was obscured by notes left open
that were "closer".
This little project became a means for me to learn something about HyperTalk. I set to work on finding a way to move the dumb notes around.
A great little button called "Pixie" gave me the clue.
Leigh Lundin of Independent Intelligence has put this diminutive powerhouse out into the world for free. One of the neatest things about it is a feature that allows you to move it around a card by just holding down the mouse button. When you do it blinks and says "Wheee!"
-- part contents for card part 3
----- text -----
This note kind of gets in the way if you leave it open.
If I always closed my notes and put my socks in the hamper I probably wouldn't be messing around with this stuff.